Can we replicate transdifferentiation?

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  • $80
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What is the context of this research?

Can we understand the transdifferentiation that the Turritopsis nutricula (hydrozoa) jellyfish goes through? What is the biomarker that triggers this? Ultimately, can we replicate the process in a human cell to derive a therapy in cellular regeneration?

What is the significance of this project?

I've always been fascinated with jellyfish, to the point that even as an economist I've wanted to study them to a certain degree. But I am also interested in advancing cellular regeneration technology - especially the field of spinal cord injury (SCI). A few years back, I walked away from a major car accident and I often find myself asking - what if I had ended up in a wheelchair that day? Since then I've been fascinated by the field of SCI. The most promising technology a few years back was the human embryonic stem cell (hESC) derived oligodendrocyte precursor cell by Geron. Unfortunately, they scrapped the project in November 2011. I came across the Turriptopsis Nutricula in my quest to find rare and amazing specimen, and realized that it's immortal process could be the answer for solving cellular regeneration, as opposed to hESC.

What are the goals of the project?

I plan to use the funds to buy a jellyfish grow-out system- this system would allow me to culture and house the jellies for research and protein sequencing/mapping to detect the biomarker.


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For this project, I'm using the the funds to acquire jellyfish polyps (depending on if there are researchers in the US researching), a fully functional grow-out system ($3,523) to culture and observe the jelllifishes and for protein mapping/modeling for detecting the biomarker.

Meet the Team

Jun Sung
Jun Sung

Team Bio

My professional experiences includes working on Wall Street in quantitative finance and product management in Silicon Valley. Marine Biology and Biology, however, have become more then just a hobby and fascination. I'm very interested in finding alternative methods to regenerate damaged cells other then hESC.

Jun Sung

Biologist of some sort.

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Project Backers

  • 3Backers
  • 2%Funded
  • $80Total Donations
  • $26.67Average Donation
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