What triggers inflammation that results in acne?

Houston, Texas
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About This Project

Many people that have removed dairy, soy, iodines, and caffeine from their diets have reduced the inflammation in their bodies resulting in better skin. There is no scientific evidence to back up this phenomena. We want to uncover what it is in diets that cause inflammation in the skin and ultimately acne. We hypothesize that inflammation is triggered by high salt diets, high sugar diets, or chemicals and hormones added to processed foods. We will also investigate if this inflammation causes an increase in skin cell growth.

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What is the context of this research?

We've noticed X number of people in the San Francisco area that have adopted the no dairy, no soy, no iodides, no caffeine, low sugar diet have had significantly clearer skin. This is a well known phenomena within the aesthetician community, but has never been quantified by scientists.

What is the significance of this project?

If we find what causes the inflammation that leads to acne, we can help millions of people with their acne.

What are the goals of the project?

This is still under development.


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We will need some supplies and may need to work with patients, this is still under development.

Meet the Team

Cindy Wu
Cindy Wu

Team Bio

I've suffered from acne ever since I was in middle school. Like many other teenagers, I was tricked by the Proactiv marketing and used their products for one

Cindy Wu

Staff at Experiment. If this site is broken you can blame me. I don't check my direct messages, but would love to hear from you by e-mail: cindy@jellypbc.com.

Lab Notes

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