Will an avocado seed sprout faster in nutrient rich water?

Long Island City, New York
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About This Project

We hypothesize that when grown in nutrient rich water avacado seeds will sprout faster than seeds grown in tap water.

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What is the context of this research?

Today is Cinco de Mayo, so naturally we made guacamole. After slicing each avocado in half we realized that we had 5 avocado seeds that were destined for the trash. We rescued these avocado seeds and want to create an environment where they can thrive. Justin has experience sprouting avocados and had a sprouted avocado on his desk. We wondered if the water from his sprouted avocado would provide an environment that encourages new avocado seeds to sprout faster.

What is the significance of this project?

Many people attempt to grow avocados at home. There are no resources online that give you a foolproof plan for how to grow avocados. We are starting with one small experiment, but the mission of our team is to develop a method so that anyone anywhere can be an avocado sprout (and hopefully tree) owner. We plan to do more avocado experiments after this one regardless of whether or not this experiment is conclusive.

What are the goals of the project?

The goal of this project is to monitor 5 avocado seeds over a course of at least 90 days. We have 2 control avocado seeds that will only receive New York City tap water. We have 3 experimental avocado seeds that will receive avocado water (donated from Justin's sprouted avocado seed), ginger water, or Tea's Tea unsweetened green tea. We will monitor the growth of the avocados every day with photos. From these photos we will measure the length of the root daily to produce data showing how fast each avocado root is growing.


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We have 5 avocado seeds participating in this study. To support each avocado we will need an average of $6. This is an all inclusive package that will pay for the amenities required for an avocado seed to sprout (cups, toothpicks, green tea, ginger, tap water). At the end of the experiment if your avocado sprouts, you will be able to pick it up from our offices at Two Sigma Ventures in Manhattan. At this time we cannot support shipping and handling of avocado sprouts.

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Meet the Team

Cindy Wu
Cindy Wu
Justin Dell'aglio
Justin Dell'aglio

Team Bio

Justin and Cindy have known each other for close to a year. Their employers share a coworking space in Manhattan. Justin has had a great track record of sprouting avocado seeds. He has a track record of sprouting 2 out of 2 avocado seeds he's attempted to sprout. Together they are committed to understanding how avocados sprout and how to help anyone anywhere sprout their own avocado seeds.

Cindy Wu

Staff at Experiment. If this site is broken you can blame me. I don't check my direct messages, but would love to hear from you by e-mail: cindy@jellypbc.com.

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