Cracking the DNA Code of the South Florida Common Octopus

Octopuses have color changing skin, which is important for camouflage, communication, and species identification...

Developing self-cooling garments for survivability limits in extreme temperature spikes

The goal of this research is to develop a zero-energy, zero carbon emitting, functional cooling garment...

Exploring Microplastics' In-Stream Transport and Retention in Turbulent Flow: An Experimental Study

The objective is to investigate the dominant transport mechanisms affecting in-stream microplastics (MPs...

Eastern oyster vs. harmful bacteria, global climate change, and microplastics: Who wins?

Eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, are a keystone species and a focal aquaculture species. These bivalves...

Testing in-water debris collection in NYC marine waterways

The goal is to test marine in-water debris collection technology in NYC’s urban marine environment at community...

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