Unveling How Venomous Snakes Perceive Us: Exploring B. atrox's Hidden Heat Sensing Abilities Through Behavioral Studies

Bothrops atrox, a Crotalinae subfamily viper, has loreal pits sensitive to infrared radiation. Recently...

Microplastics in patagonian marine mammals: where do they come from and what is their fate once ingested?

The purpose of this work is to determine which prey species contribute the most microplastics to the diet...

EggPlastiX - the chemical footprint of plastics in the eggshells of endangered loggerhead turtles

Plastic materials can leak a variety of chemical compounds that may infiltrate the permeable sea turtle...

Rolling in the deep: Neptune balls as plastic sentinels

Plastic pollution poses a significant threat to marine ecosystems. Seagrass beds have been recognized as...

Building affordable and reliable devices to collect marine environmental data

Environmental sensors are vital in marine science, measuring conductivity, temperature and depth allows...

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