Antibiotic(Tetracycline) detection in poultry product and educational awareness program

The overuse of antibiotics in agriculture, particularly in poultry farming, is a major contributor to the...

Frugal DIY Mask Aligner Kit for High Resolution Photolithography

Multilayer Photolithography is a common technique that uses light to make 2.5D-3D structures. It is especially...

How does environmental DNA in two different depths reveal the existence of Bali Sardine in Bali Strait-Indonesia?

Regions of Bali Strait, Indonesia, have often experienced a dominant catch of Sardinella lemuru in the last...

Evaluating the Impact of the Pode Crer STEM education program for marginalized youth in Brazil

Pode Crer was launched in 2021 to provide innovative STEM education to marginalized youth in Brazil, serving...

Vision for the future: Understanding perceptual strategies following visual loss

Many people will experience a decline in vision at some point in their life. For many people, this may be...

GC-Therapy: Testing A Completely New Kind of Cancer Treatment

Cancer remains one of the most challenging health issues worldwide. Current therapies like chemotherapy...

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