How does environmental DNA in two different depths reveal the existence of Bali Sardine in Bali Strait-Indonesia?

Regions of Bali Strait, Indonesia, have often experienced a dominant catch of Sardinella lemuru in the last...

Cracking the DNA Code of the South Florida Common Octopus

Octopuses have color changing skin, which is important for camouflage, communication, and species identification...

Microplastics in patagonian marine mammals: where do they come from and what is their fate once ingested?

The purpose of this work is to determine which prey species contribute the most microplastics to the diet...

EggPlastiX - the chemical footprint of plastics in the eggshells of endangered loggerhead turtles

Plastic materials can leak a variety of chemical compounds that may infiltrate the permeable sea turtle...

Developing self-cooling garments for survivability limits in extreme temperature spikes

The goal of this research is to develop a zero-energy, zero carbon emitting, functional cooling garment...

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