Toward a Universal, Frugal, and Antibiotic-Free Sugar Selection System for Molecular Cloning

The access to educational resources for hands on biotech in the classroom, globally, is heavily constrained...

Frugal DIY Mask Aligner Kit for High Resolution Photolithography

Multilayer Photolithography is a common technique that uses light to make 2.5D-3D structures. It is especially...

Developing a low-cost, rapid diagnostic for urogenital Schistosomiasis infection

We are developing a frugal diagnostic for urogenital schistosomiasis, a neglected tropical disease that...

Antibiotic(Tetracycline) detection in poultry product and educational awareness program

The overuse of antibiotics in agriculture, particularly in poultry farming, is a major contributor to the...

How can we make building pilina (relationships) with native plants fun for the whole family?

Our stories in Hawaiʻi tell of the strong relationships (pilina) our ancestors had with the natural world...

How does environmental DNA in two different depths reveal the existence of Bali Sardine in Bali Strait-Indonesia?

Regions of Bali Strait, Indonesia, have often experienced a dominant catch of Sardinella lemuru in the last...

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