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Fast facts about Caribbean Forest Endemic Birds

Many of the Caribbean’s endemic forest-dependent birds are at risk. Here’s a quick summary of some key facts.

Caribbean endemics are fascinating species living in a changing world. Here are just a few facts we think are worth sharing.

What's your favourite Caribbean endemic bird and why? We'd love to hear from you.

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  • Naiara OMahony
    Naiara OMahonyBacker
    Love the graphics- really interesting and informative!
    Nov 04, 2016
  • Ellie Devenish-Nelson
    Ellie Devenish-NelsonResearcher
    Thanks for your support! Happy to hear that!
    Nov 05, 2016

About This Project

Endemic Caribbean forest birds are poorly known, threatened and in decline. Our project uses the power of citizen science volunteers to search spectrograms of field recordings for these endemic forest birds. This information will help us conserve them by giving us a better understanding of what habitats are important to these species, and how many individuals are left.

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