John Gove

John Gove

Aug 01, 2023

Group 6 Copy 66

We are back!

Thank you all so much for your support! The trip went better than we could have hoped, and our samples are on their way to North Carolina for analysis.


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  • Patricia Shepherd
    Patricia ShepherdBacker
    So excited to hear about your findings and your trip!
    Aug 02, 2023
  • Nina Butler
    Nina ButlerBacker
    So glad to hear y’all are back safe and sound!
    Aug 01, 2023

About This Project

I am canoeing the Ikpikpuk River on the North Slope of Alaska. Along the way, I will be sampling the water for micro-plastics in order to see the prevalence in an environment that is far from large populations. This will add to the data that others are collecting around the world and help us to understand the patterns of micro-plastic travel.

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