Jeffrey Esparza

Jeffrey Esparza

Aug 12, 2015

Group 6 Copy 140

Thank you!

I just wanted to reach out and thank everyone again for helping me with my project. My Amazonian adventure was extremely successful and made possible in large part because of everyone's support and contributions.

This experience was once in a lifetime and I am very humbled to have taken part in it. So once again, thank you all for believing in me! This is only the beginning. :)


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About This Project

This project will answer broad questions regarding spider evolution and ecology. Spiders are one of the most successful predators on Earth - there are over 40,000 known species, compared to only about 5000 species of mammals! They are an integral part of a healthy ecosystem, however, little is known about the role spider morphology plays in determining an individual's fitness. This study is the first to apply ecomorphological techniques to answer questions about a spider's functional ecology.

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