Group 6 Copy 63

Sailing On!

I am stunned and and incredibly grateful to our first Safinah-level contributor. It's fabulous to have a world-class brand manager in your corner. It's even more fabulous when he's your incredibly handsome brother! Thanks so much to Frank Pournelle and all at Last Second Media. Like the Safinah depicted on this prayer rug, you are an answer to ours!

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  • Frank Pournelle
    Frank PournelleBacker
    This was a no-brainer. We done that country wrong and hurt those people in immeasurable ways. I saw a 60 Minutes piece on this ecosystem and it really fits with your work in the cradle of civilization. Literally, I am sending you the amount I earn each year from oil royalties earned by fracking in our neighborhood. Use it for better purposes.
    Mar 12, 2014

About This Project

Collapse of the marsh ecosystems of southern Iraq after 1991 forced hundreds of thousands of people into urban slums, and led to contamination of the remaining water supply. We will establish three test beds to see whether brackish water returned from oil drilling and refining can be used to construct new salt marshes. These will filter water, provide forage for livestock, create habitat for fish nurseries, and give new economic opportunities.
Blast off!

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Backer Badge Funded

An ecology project funded by 43 people

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