Sampling in Mongolia
See the attached file for that missing photo in the previous post!
See the attached file for that missing photo in the previous post!
There are more extreme fires, floods and droughts happening now than ever before, and they’re happening everywhere, right? Actually, we don’t really know because instrumental records are too short. But proxy climate records, like tree-rings, can help. In southeastern Australia and New Zealand some trees live 1000+ years. In this project we will use growth rings in trees to make a digital map of extreme events for the past 500 years to see if extreme event frequency has or has not changed.
Soil bacteria remove ~30 Mt of methane/year from the atmosphere, but this rate varies strongly with land...
I am canoeing the Ikpikpuk River on the North Slope of Alaska. Along the way, I will be sampling the water...
This proposal addresses the problem of effectively capturing CO2 and creating long-term storage without...