Chanyeong Park

Chanyeong Park

Sep 29, 2022

Group 6 Copy 577

My attention estimation ML model

Hi everyone,

I have been planning to post a lab note with demo videos of my Machine Learning models for attention estimation, but I was really busy for the past few days so I didn't have a chance to do it. But, now I am able to do that.

Below are the demo videos. If the videos feel stretched out for some people, so I recommend speeding up the video speed to your preference. (Also, the video cuts off midway, so please watch the demo2 if demo1 ends) Meanwhile, if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, please put them in the comments! (Though I am not sure why I can't reply to the comments)

I will post more lab notes from next week onwards such as my literature review, a flow-inducing task I am planning to use for the methodology, and much more interesting stuff. So stay tuned!

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  • Taechul Park
    Taechul ParkBacker
    The idea for this project is really awesome. I hope that it will be widely used through pratical system design and help many people. I'm so excited that CY Park will verify the scientific discoveries he will uncover.
    Oct 20, 2022

About This Project

Flow, aka "the zone", is at the center of peak performance and intrinsic motivation. Despite such benefits of flow, we are far from fully understanding it. In fact, objectively identifying flow has been an issue due to the subjective nature of flow experience and expensive gadgets to measure attentional state like eye trackers. Thus, this project aims to answer the following RQ: TWE is there a quantifiable correlation between attention and flow state?

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