Xavier Mouy

Xavier Mouy

Nov 24, 2024

Group 6 Copy 15

Getting back to it...

Well, it has been a while since we posted updates on this project. The project has been on pause since the three of us have been side tracked with busy field work and changes in our professional lives. We are however getting back to it and motivated to make more progress.

We are working on integrating Philp Muller's audio design to the FishCam. We have made the Bill of Material, reviewed part availability and printed 3 boards. So we are ready now to order parts and work on the first prototype. We have little experience with surface mount so to expedite the process we will send the unpopulated boards and components to a company to assemble them (e.g. Small Batch Assembly). It will be a bit more expensive but that will help us get things moving.

Once we have the populated boards we can start testing both the audio and video acquisition from the Raspberry Pi. We will first run our tests using 4 electret microphones and then switch to hydrophones.

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About This Project

Independent Researcher

Many fish produce sounds that could be used to monitor them non-intrusively over long periods of time. However, most fish sounds have not yet been associated to specific species. We propose to develop an affordable 4-channel acoustic recorder, paired with a video camera to identify fish sounds in the wild. This project will help make passive acoustics a more viable tool for fisheries management, marine conservation, and underwater cinematography.

Blast off!

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