Cracking the DNA Code of the South Florida Common Octopus

Octopuses have color changing skin, which is important for camouflage, communication, and species identification...

Toward a Universal, Frugal, and Antibiotic-Free Sugar Selection System for Molecular Cloning

The access to educational resources for hands on biotech in the classroom, globally, is heavily constrained...

Replicating The Tadpole Experiment: How do Weak Magnetic Fields Affect Life?

For decades, scientists have gathered evidence of the biological impacts of weak magnetic fields. In particular...

Application of passive eDNA methods collection to perform metabarcoding and metagenomic in aquatic environment

One of the main challenges in applying metagenomics is the capture of cells or residual DNA prior to the...

Eastern oyster vs. harmful bacteria, global climate change, and microplastics: Who wins?

Eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, are a keystone species and a focal aquaculture species. These bivalves...

Empowering Youth-Led Biomaking Through Community and Culture

Youth-led initiatives are a powerful way to center culture, creativity, and community in biotechnology conversations...

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