Frugal DIY Mask Aligner Kit for High Resolution Photolithography

Multilayer Photolithography is a common technique that uses light to make 2.5D-3D structures. It is especially...

How does environmental DNA in two different depths reveal the existence of Bali Sardine in Bali Strait-Indonesia?

Regions of Bali Strait, Indonesia, have often experienced a dominant catch of Sardinella lemuru in the last...

Toward a Universal, Frugal, and Antibiotic-Free Sugar Selection System for Molecular Cloning

The access to educational resources for hands on biotech in the classroom, globally, is heavily constrained...

Can we design a 100L bioreactor that costs less than $5000 to 3D print?

Bioreactors are used to produce everything from vaccines to lab-grown meat. However, traditional bioreactors...

Activate your cells youth

We managed to obtain very young cells from adult organism (VYC), which we believe, under proper conditions...

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