Background: Project area
The area our work is taking place is a remote region of Panamá's Caribbean coastline, also referred to often as the Mosquito Coast. This area does not have any modern infrastructure. There are no roads, there is no electricity, no plumbing or wastewater treatment. Living in this region is very basic and most often subsistence farming only. To travel from community to community we use dug-out canoes on the river or walk on foot paths and sometimes we use horses. Throughout the watershed of the Rivers San Juan de Turbé and Coclé del Norte, are very small communities with public schools. We often work in cooperation with the regions public schools to give access to scientific methods, equipment and experience to students who otherwise would never have such an opportunity. We are especially excited about this project as we are giving the students and communities the scientific knowledge, equipment and assistance to solve an on-going problem of water quality and waterborne illness. Knowledge is power and the power to solve this problem will be in the communities hands! It can be hard to explain what this area is like … So here are a few videos and pictures of our office: