Aaron P. Blaisdell

Aaron P. Blaisdell

Aug 22, 2015

Group 6 Copy 222

A movie to show our procedure.

Object-Place Learning in Birds from Aaron Blaisdell


I created this movie to explain our methods, and walk you through the procedure. In the movie, I explain how the various behavioral tests we plan to perform will tell us if pigeons see the world the same way that we humans (and our primate cousins) do.

Please take a look at this short video demonstration!

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask in the "Ask the Scientists" forum.

We look forward to your questions, and your contribution.


Aaron Blaisdell


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About This Project

How do birds fly around objects without crashing into them? Their object perception must be similar to ours, despite having a dramatically different brain and separate evolutionary history. We will test whether bird brains handle object perception the same way that the human brain does. Pigeons will play a video game where they have to rapidly peck objects as they appear on a computer screen. The speed of their responses will tell us how the birds see the objects.

Blast off!

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