Toso Pankovski

Toso Pankovski

Jan 28, 2018

Group 6 Copy 57

The funding effort failed - but the project continues!

Today was the deadline of achieving the funding goal - we succeeded to collect about 1/4 of the goal.

If you want to follow project progress, please go to our YouTube page and subscribe to our channel: (just find the red SUBSCRIBE button on the top-right corner there.)

Again, thank you interest and we hope to be able to update you about the project progress through our YouTube channel.

Toso Pankovski

1 comment

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  • NancyPSmith
    Very nice way of explaining, and pleasant article to obtain information. Keep it up
    Mar 16, 2019
  • Toso Pankovski
    Toso PankovskiResearcher
    Nancy, thank you for the nice words.
    Mar 16, 2019

About This Project

Musical perception is very important to neuroscience since can help solve hearing and other brain problems. To provide valuable experimental data to experts, we started an online listening experiment, where a massive number of participants will compare different sounds by pleasantness (consonance). The results will profoundly help neuroscience.
We have more than 1000 views: if each viewer would have donated only 2$, we would have achieved the goal already.
Click [Back the project] to donate now!

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