10 days left
Today there are 10 days left on this funding campaign.
Things I've learned: 1) science is a difficult professsion that requires dedication, tenacity, and MONEY.. that's right, DINERO. we're talking dollars ($$), pesos, Chinese Yuan; in short RESOURCES. 2) The best scientists, not only have big ideas, but also have the BIG BUCKS to explore those ideas. Competition is stiff and only the most novel ideas end up getting funded. That usually translates, to funded scientists not really knowing exactly what their doing or what they will find. 3) Well, hell; that's why it's called "science" .
I promised in earlier posts that this post would be about soils. Soils are interesting (sarcastically). Well, not really. At least from a plant ecology perspective you can have forest that differ in species richness over an order or magnitude with soil nutrients/cations that hardly differ. 3 soil macronutrients control the distribution, energetics and plant functioning of vegetation on this planet- Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium (discounting Carbon as soil nutrient). Maybe that is interesting in and of itself. Soils contain the building blocks of life, which are assimilated by plants through photosynthesis resulting in the production of plant tissue (or biomass). What an amazing process! A process that supports all life on earth.

Having sieved each and every one of these 300 soil samples (not an easy or fast task), I will now include a quote about sieves, their utility, and life in general:

After sieving 300 soil sample, your jeans may look like this:
and finally I reiterate my thanks for your support! (with 10 days left, if you haven't supported, please contribute)... Go science! Go big! and GO CHINA ROOTS!!!! whoo-hoooo
As I look back, there is no way I would trade my experience for anything in the world!
Best, JAH...