Biodiversity Hotspots
Do you know what is a hotspot of biodiversity?
Firstly is very important to keep in mind the definition of Biodiversity hotspots:
It includes places on the planet that are rich in terms of biodiversity but under various human threats.
As you can see in the map, there are a lot of regions recognized as biodiversity hotspots.

The most important ones are:
-Mediterranean Basin
-Madagascar and the Indian Ocean Islands
-California Floristic Province
-Atlantic Forest (south America)
-Cape Floristic Region (Africa)
-Horn of Africa
-The Caribbean Islands
-Mountains of Southwest China
-New Zealand
-Eastern Himalaya, India
These areas get higher attention in species conservation for its high biodiversity: protect one area with many species = more species are protected!!!
The Northwest of Africa is included in the Mediterranen basin which is a biodiversity hotspot. However, the Atlas Mountains have little access and
low attention, as such it is not recognized as an hotspot.
Morocco comprises high levels of endemism when concerning herpetofauna - 24% of reptiles and 31% of amphibians.
Our amazing species are endemic species of Morocco: help protect them!!!