Sari Sabban

Sari Sabban

Jan 10, 2019

Group 6 Copy 310

The Training

Here I briefly demonstrate what neural network training looks like and and show a prediction on a mock dataset I made for this lab entry.


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  • EssiHonkasalo
    Good to see this traing section!
    Aug 12, 2019
  • Sari Sabban
    Sari SabbanResearcher
    Hi Skander, Thank you for your comment. Usually a network would work on my little laptop normally and start training, but the training process is very slow (several hours for 1 epoch cycle), that is when I move to a dedicated cloud based GPU since I do not have my own setup (also I have the freedom to choose different GPU types). In the case of this neural network, it is too big to even start on my computer, so I had to move to a cloud GPU directly. Luckily google provides a free GPU (for only 12 hours), so it is great to test the workings of the network and make sure the script has no errors. I have already passed this step. I also have access to a supercomputer. Though it only has CPUs to perform computation, it is large enough to emulate a GPU, but a GPU is stills better. I do not have my own system built since up to this point cloud services were enough to generate the data I need and train the networks I use, and cheaper tha. Building my own system.
    Jan 12, 2019
  • Skander Mzali
    Skander MzaliBacker
    This is fantastic, thanks for sharing! You mentioned not having enough compute power on your laptop for this example - do you have your own development machine for other ML/DL research or do you generally stick with cloud-based GPU resources?
    Jan 11, 2019

About This Project

I think we have the technology to develop an artificial intelligence model that can differentiate between Dinoflagellates by simply examining their images. I will generate a database of 64 Dinoflagellate species, with 2000 images of each species. These images will feed an artificial neural network to train it to classify each species. My aim is to develop an image database of Dinoflagellate species, as well as a trained neural network that classifies them with greater than 99% accuracy.

Blast off!

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