Group 6 Copy 274

Update on materials

The flask I ordered as the reaction vessel has not arrived yet, despite the order having a two-week delivery time that should have passed last week, so I'm unfortunately running a little behind schedule. Without the flask, I will be unable to set up my bioreactor fully, so this is currently a small roadblock. While I'm waiting, I am gathering some other materials needed for my project at school, including beakers, pipettes, and stir rods for mixing media. I'm hoping the flask will arrive this week, and I will keep everyone posted on what's happening with my materials.

These are the materials I currently have available: stir rods, beakers, pipettes, and a stir plate. I've also been testing an incubator I have at school, which seems promising for a more even heating than a hot plate.


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About This Project

I will study the effects of three types of sustainable carbon-based media on the biobutanol yield of two types of bacteria in a small bioreactor. Butanol has much potential, as it can be used in combustion engines designed for gasoline and has beneficial fuel properties compared to ethanol. The Clostridium genus has two species (C. acetobutylicum and C. beijerinckii) that can ferment butanol. Glucose is easily digested in respiration, so I predict it will be the most efficient in my reactor.

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