Kate Sutter

Kate Sutter

Feb 09, 2022

Group 6 Copy 344

Photos secured & AI training started!

Just a quick status update: after Jason sent over the annoated dataset, Jake has offically started training the AI!

We are nearing the end of the proof of concept. The team is currently applying for funding for field testing in Maupiti and in the process of securing a research permit to conduct fieldwork in Tahiti.

Updates to follow.

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About This Project

This project combines AI, high-resolution cameras, and existing manta behavior research to test a program that will provide real-time individual identification and optimize underwater data collection. The results of this experiment will help us better understand manta behavior in real-time and enhance the tools and methods that are available for marine research. Because manta rays exhibit predictable movements and site affinity, individuals can be instantaneously identified and monitored.

Blast off!

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