Mililani Ganivet

Mililani Ganivet

Apr 11, 2023

Group 6 Copy 78

Podcast Launch

Almost 30 years after the last French nuclear test conducted in 1996, people in what is today known as French Polynesia still grapple with the consequences of this colonial legacy. In an increasingly polarized landscape where the issues about health, compensation, impacts on the environment and politics are debated, how exactly does this impact  the daily lives of the different communities  that make up our islands? What do the people have to say about this?  Which stories do they remember? Which stories do they choose to tell? How do we make space for their voices? This podcast is a curation of voices and stories told in our own words t​​hat remain sensitive and respectful of the diversity of perspectives and lived experiences that exist in our home communities. It is meant to bear witness and showcase the enduring strength, fortitude, resilience and dignity of our home communities. 

This creative experiment would not have been possible without our sponsors, including Pacific Islanders on Globalization, Youngsolwara and the Experiment Foundation.

It is our pleasure to say that our first podcast episode will be released on Thursday 14th and will be made accessible on Spotify. A link will be sent out. Māuruuru roa to all the people who contributed to make this project possible!

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  • Elizabeth Nestor
    Elizabeth NestorBacker
    thanks for keeping on with this great project.
    Apr 12, 2023

About This Project

Scientific and historical research on the 30 years of French nuclear tests in French-occupied Polynesia have not seriously taken into account Indigenous perspectives which led to a constricted narrative that portray Maohi people as passive victims. And yet communities of survivors have stories replete with enduring resilience and wisdom to tell. Our team seeks to highlight their narratives of enduring resilience by collecting their stories before it becomes too late.

Blast off!

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