Group 6 Copy 363

PCR and DNA purification kits

We just received the PCR and DNA purification kits allowing us to start the genetic analysis this week. The kits are from New England Biolabs and have enough reagent for 200 preps . We will collect more wild turtle sample during this spring and summer while continuing the genetic analysis. 


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About This Project

We seek to determine the environmental factors that make turtles susceptible to viral infection. This project will focus on box turtles (Terrapene carolina) and red-eared sliders (Trachemys scripta). Infection from terrapene herpesvirus 1 (TerHV1) will be compared to levels of habitat degradation and overall stress, to help inform conservation strategies. We hypothesize that the moisture level and temperature of the environment will have a significant impact on the virus transmission.

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