Sharon E. Holte

Sharon E. Holte

Sep 16, 2019

Group 6 Copy 242

Day 1 - Setup

Today we set up for the new field season at the cave! It was a perfect day to clear the road and test out our skills against poison ivy. We brought all our equipment up to the cave site and set-up our new winch system!

Attaching the new winch to the A-frame

The A-frame has to be placed in the appropriate spot for the cavers to be lowered safely into the cave

All ready for excavations tomorrow!

First flat tire of the season... and hopefully the last


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About This Project

Mammoth Site scientists, partners, and volunteers are on a mission to understand climate change in the Black Hills during the latest Ice Age. To accomplish this, we are working together to rappel into and excavate a remote cave in the Black Hills of SD. Rapid deposition of sediments in this cave covered the remains of many different animals. These exciting new discoveries have provided us with snapshots of what the climate and environment was like thousands of years ago.

Blast off!

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