Bezos Earth Fund $1M Greenhouse Gas Removal Ideation Prize
The Bezos Earth Fund $1M Greenhouse Gas Removal (GHGR) Ideation Prize is part of a global effort to address climate change through innovative and scalable solutions.
We are seeking diverse, creative, and impactful ideas from across the world. Your participation will help the Bezos Earth Fund illuminate ideas worthy of support, guide upcoming strategy planning and roadmaps, and contribute to a growing ecosystem of innovators in this field.
Greenhouse Gas Removal is crucial for achieving the Paris Agreement objectives and mitigating the worst impacts of climate change. Rapid emissions reduction must remain a first order priority, however science suggests that reductions alone are insufficient; we must also remove greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide, from the atmosphere. This removal is vital for returning greenhouse gas concentrations to pre-industrial levels and offsetting emissions from sectors challenging to decarbonize. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) projects that several gigatons of GHG removal per year are needed by mid-century. Various techniques, both natural (like afforestation) and technological (such as direct air capture), each with their own merits and challenges, are being explored and invested in. Notably, there's been a surge in funding for carbon removal technologies, but less focus on other greenhouse gases, which are also significant for climate change. Effective GHG removal demands bridging the current gap in removal capabilities and scaling solutions to have a tangible impact on atmospheric greenhouse gas levels and global temperatures. The challenge of scale in particular requires attention to the whole ecosystem of challenges and opportunity spaces, including as relates to science & technology, markets & finance, socio-behavioral aspects & communities, and policy & regulation.
Our two-tier challenge is designed to illuminate and inspire groundbreaking ideas in the race to scale technological greenhouse gas removal solutions. The first phase involves awarding up to $4,000 to up to 50 compelling one-page proposals that present an innovative solution to a major GHG removal challenge. These proposals set the stage for the optional second phase where up to 12 of the most promising ideas will receive grants of up to $50,000 to validate and experiment with the proposed solution space, accelerating the GHG removal initiatives to scale.
In the sections that follow, you'll find detailed guidelines on the application process, criteria for evaluation, and the support provided by the Experiment Foundation. We encourage innovators, scientists, and environmental enthusiasts - whether you’ve spent decades in the climate space or are brand new - to engage with this opportunity to drive change and make a tangible impact in the fight against climate change.
Click here to view the Prize Details and the Full Terms and Conditions.