Artificial intelligence is poised to accelerate change in our world faster than anything else in human history. This is a call for projects examining machine learning, computer vision, and decision-making.

This submission window for this grant has ended.

Submitted Projects


Total Funding


Submission Deadline

Nov 11, 2016

About This Grant

Artificial intelligence is the theory and development of intelligence in machines. In particular, how can we develop smarter computers equipped to tackle speech or image processing, rational decision-making, or other cognitive functions that we associate with human minds.

The best time in human history to be studying AI is right now. New tools like Google's TensorFlow and new datasets like the entire online history of Reddit make it easy to train algorithms and experiment at small and large scales. 

But, there is also the area of research that asks whether or not we are ready for smarter AI. Microsoft researchers released a simple chat bot that learned from conversations. Other scientists are studying what happens when we achieve smarter AI, and whether or not that's a goal we should be aiming for. 

We think all of it is worth studying. In particular, questions we are interested in include:

  • From Chess to Go, how far are we in creating intelligent agents and AI in games?
  • How will AI impact manufacturing and industry, innovation and efficiency?
  • What is the current state of the art of defensive AI?
  • Dynamic decision-making over time
  • Neuroevolution 
  • Training morality with historical data (e.g. learning to be human)
  • How does AI work in team settings, with other AI or human agents?
  • How does AI vary under human guidance?
  • Designing AI to learn and conduct experiments

Our ideal projects are ones that are extremely reproducible and can be open source. We are also interested in development of new tools or frameworks, or extending current ones. Great projects will be able to convey clearly and concisely how it might advance the state of AI.

How It Works

Challenge grants are prizes to supplement existing crowdfunding campaigns. We will accept proposals for campaigns related to artificial intelligence, and all the campaigns will launch together on November 22nd, 2016. After the third week of the campaigns, the project with the highest number of backers will receive an additional $500. There are two runners-up prizes of $200 each.