Perhaps more than any other science, paleontology has the power to captivate the public imagination. More importantly, though, what better way is there to cultivate the budding scientist inside every child - young and old? But I'm not telling you anything you don't already know! We want to help you continue the fascinating, inspiring, and adventurous work that you do, and share it with the world.

Apply for this grant

Submitted Projects


Total Funding


Submission Deadline

Apr 04, 2016

About This Grant

Paleontology is a very diverse field, and we certainly aren't going to try to define it for you. Paleo-campaigns can include:

  • invertebrate
  • vertebrate
  • paleobotany
  • actualistic
  • ichnology
  • biogeography
  • evolution
  • paleoecology
  • field & lab work
  • CT-scanning
  • just about anything else!

How It Works

This grant is for projects that launch crowdfunding campaigns by April 5, 2016. The project that with the most backers by the third week of the campaign will receive an additional $1,000 grant. The two runners-up will receive $500 and $250. Eligible projects must be approved before the launch deadline.

Submitted Projects