Designing touch surfaces to help the visually impaired operate home appliances

Tangible Surface Research, LLC
Pittsford, New York
EngineeringArt and Design
Open Access
DOI: 10.18258/5601
Raised of $500 Goal
Funded on 10/02/15
Successfully Funded
  • $903
  • 180%
  • Funded
    on 10/02/15

Procedure for Part I - Overlay Test and Tactile Icon Evaluation at ABVI

The steps we followed for Part I of the study - overlay test and tactile icon evaluation at the Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired (ABVI). Participant data and test comments/discussions were recorded by hand on prepared test forms. Except for the finger measurements and a couple pictures, no other audio or video was recorded.

Welcome - Welcome test participant, introduce test administrators.

Test Overview - Explain the study and the test procedure. Answer any questions.

Consent Form - Test participant signs the consent form. Provide a signature plate to guide the test participant's pen to the form's signature area.

Record Test Participant Data - Age group, visual ability, braille literacy.

Finger Measurement - Measure the width of the right hand index finger just below the start of the finger nail. Place the test participant's right index finger on grid paper and snap a picture.

Test Fixture Overview (sitting) - Provide an overview of the test fixture and the layout of the buttons using the touchplate overlay.

Test Fixture Familiarization/Training (standing) - Introduce the test fixture and the two test scenarios - heating a beverage and finding a button

Overlay Tests - for each of the four overlays (standing)

----- Heat a Beverage Scenario

----- Find a Button Test

----- Likeability/Acceptability Questions

Tactile Icon Evaluation (sitting) - Test participants review and comment on variations of six different tactile icons.

Discussion - Followup discussion on the procedure, overlays and their personal experiences with home appliances.

Conclusion - Test participants are thanked for their time and given an envelope that includes a thank you letter and financial compensation.

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