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Good news!

Our excavation permits, the formal permissions which allow us to dig pits large enough to exhume whole skeletons, have just been approved by the Bureau of Land Management. This means that when we return to Wyoming we can begin excavating some of our most important discoveries including a few hadrosaurids, parts of an armored ankylosaur and other vertebrates. Plans are being made to carry out yet more fieldwork. I will provide updates as things get moving.



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About This Project

The Late Cretaceous Almond Formation has been known to produce dinosaurs since 1937. Still, the fauna it preserves remains almost entirely unknown. In 2021 we found the first turtles, fish, and crocodylomorphs as well as several dinosaurs including hadrosaurids and the first ankylosaur from the formation. Our aim is return to the deposit and thoroughly document its ecosystem for the first time to inform future studies of dinosaur evolution and distribution.

Blast off!

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