Group 6 Copy 241

What's Happening Now

The second target area

Hey everyone! First and foremost, we know it's been a while since we last communicated, so here's an update on what's been going on over the past weeks:

WE LAUNCHED!!! We have successfully launched our questionnaires and have begun data collection.

You may have noticed that above, the word 'questionnaire' was plural. This is because we have designed two separate questionnaires. But, how did we find the money and time, you ask!?

So after the campaign ended you all had contributed enough to collect around 300 responses from the Horsens Fjord survey. Also, we applied for a grant from the Carlsberg Foundation during the campaign in hopes of meeting our stated, optimal goal of 6,000 USD. After months of waiting, we were finally awarded the grant! This meant we doubled our budget, achieved our ultimate monetary goal, and now had to figure out what to do with the extra money.

Do we increase sample size even though pop density is low? Do we attempt and replicate our study at a different site in Denmark or Sweden? Do we put a down payment on a new flat in Copenhagen... (that's obviously a joke).

After much thought and consultation with our advisers, we decided upon creating a separate questionnaire that would target a wider population. We created a generic version of our Horsens questionnaire and indicated a target area of the entire Eastern coast of Jutland which greatly improved our response collection abilities. Now we could potentially receive 300 responses with our Horsens Survey & 500 responses with our Generic survey, and importantly be at or right below budget!

Alas, after complications with web scripting on our end, we needed to pay the distribution company to script our survey which meant we needed to sacrifice sample size collection for our generic survey (a hard trade-off to make, but one that allowed for quick and effective data collection).

So in the end we have two questionnaires in circulation collecting a total of 600 responses which we hope to begin analyzing by next week!

With all of that being said, we are now gearing up to descend into the depths of number crunching and econometric analysis. Once we surface we will gladly share with you interesting results that we're sure you're all eagerly awaiting.

Thanks for everyone's continued support and interest. We'll talk to you soon.


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  • Katherine M. McLamb
    Katherine M. McLambBacker
    William, Congratulations to you and your Partner. Your crowd sourcing success and Winning the Grant greatly validates the value of your work!! F. Donald J. McLamb (AKA loving Granpa)
    Jun 18, 2017
  • Denny Luan
    Denny Luan
    Congrats on receiving the grant! That's awesome news. We've noticed that receiving a grant after an experiment campaign is pretty common, do you think the crowdfunding/outreach helped with the grant at all?
    Jun 15, 2017
  • William Riley Cotton
    William Riley CottonResearcher
    Thanks Denny. I definitely think our campaign helped. We knew we had a great idea to begin with, and gave us an excellent platform to share our work and raise some funds. When we applied for the grant we specifically mentioned our crowdfunding campaign and provided the link to view it. we asked for a particular amount of funding and received the exact amount that, when combined with our crowdfunding, equaled our ultimate needs. While I can't say definitively the campaign here on experiment helped. It does seem that way. I think furthered provided legitimacy to our research.
    Jun 16, 2017

About This Project

(En français)

We are studying public perception about macroalgae (seaweed) aquaculture. Our goal is to value the ecosystem services provided by MA aquaculture, especially in waterways suffering from elevated eutrophication levels. We are hoping to reveal the trade off between positive environmental quality changes, and negative aesthetic changes to the otherwise 'natural' environment. We can use this knowledge to better understand how MA aquaculture should be implemented in a sustainable economy.

Blast off!

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