Veta Wade

Veta Wade

Aug 19, 2023

Group 6 Copy 1,065

Mom’s not convinced my MSc thesis is a good idea 🤔 

She sends me news articles about shark attacks regularly and says, ‘’Hurry up and get this project done!’’

Screenshot of one of the shark attack news clips I get from my Mom.

Mom has never looked under the sea, never watched blue planet, and is worried a shark could capsize our boat, and… she prays daily for our safe return.

She asks: “V, why did you choose to study sharks?”

Me: ‘’I got bored of seeing all the small fish, and I want to explore more of our blue backyard and see more big fish too.’’

‘’My research actually focuses on ‘tech tools,’ and the sharks are species of interest because they are great indicators of ocean health. I hope my work will encourage the Government of Montserrat to either set up or support long-term marine monitoring programs for the island.”

Mom: Hmmm ( still not convinced) 👀

Me: “I believe everyone should have an equal opportunity to learn about and explore our oceans, no matter where they live, how much money they have, or their skin color. The research I’m doing now is a privilege that most folks in developed countries have, and instead of wishing I could too, I’m just doing it!”

Mom: “But these sharks can kill you, V!”

Me: “Sharks have a vital role in the health of our oceans. As apex predators, they help regulate the populations of other species and prevent food web imbalances.

Without sharks in the ocean, you might not get to enjoy the snapper and ball corn you like to eat so much!”

“Sharks maintain the biodiversity of an area and help keep the environment healthy. There is a lot we still don’t know about these mysterious creatures, despite the fact that they have been living tot over 400 million years.”

As the weeks go by, Mom still sends me articles about shark attacks, but she also asks for information on species, location, habitat, and behaviour.

She Whatsapp’s me with the weather forecast and a reminder that she wants me to hurry up and finish this project!

Screenshot of recent WHATSAPP message from Mom. The weather forecast confirms we will not be on the sea this weekend.

Me: I can’t wait to receive my MSc. For real, it's been a long time coming! 

Photo of me and Dad. Mom doesn't want her picture “ all over the internet.”  :) 

Dad, Arthur ‘Brokes’ Meade. A champion for keeping Montserrat, green and clean. He is enjoying the updates and now advocates for clean seas too 💙

Looking forward to sharing more science with the awesome folks who have helped to make this research possible. 🙌🏾

A Thank you card from our team.

More later,



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About This Project

In a first for the island, a locally-led initiative will survey Montserrat's marine environment, to identify the presence/diversity of megafauna. While some monitoring of Montserrat's marine biodiversity has been carried out via fisheries landing surveys, information is limited, due to a lack of affordable tools and locally based scientific expertise. Using low-cost tools and cutting-edge analysis we aim to gather baseline data cost-effectively to inform ocean management.

Blast off!

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