Jane Capozzelli

Jane Capozzelli

Oct 30, 2016

Group 6 Copy 129

Your support

Hello everyone. The support we've gotten so far means the world to us. Sincerest thanks to you all ! It makes so much of a difference for our field season to have a research assistant. It takes an immense amount of time to do fine-scale habitat measurements - but testing how fine-scale habitat characteristics influence bird species occupancy, abundance, and nesting success is a backbone of measuring population trends and identifying key habitat areas.

More to come on this concept in our next lab notes!

Peace to you all and happy Halloween! Jane, Jaime and the birds <3



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About This Project

Though grasslands are increasingly scarce in the Midwest, there are pockets remaining on private lands grazed by cattle. Restoration thus requires balancing the needs of birds with the needs of landowners. To address this, we propose to research habitat quality for grassland birds in a working landscape. Using field data, we study grassland bird abundance, prey abundance, and nest site selection in response to invasive management and human decisions driving landscape changes.

Blast off!

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