Karin E. Jaffe

Karin E. Jaffe

Aug 31, 2015

Group 6 Copy 404

VIDEO: Watch the lemurs using the smart feeder!

Lemurs investigating the smart feeder. Note food at the bottom of the device.

On Sunday, August 30, 2015, the Lemur Smart Feeder team gathered at the Oakland Zoo lemur exhibit to see how the lemurs would react to the device. As you'll see in the video, below, this 'test' was a resounding success!

The device worked as expected (distributed food on its own, with timing provided by the Arduino board) (yay!), the lemur were almost immediately (within one minute) attracted to the feeder and grabbed food out of it (hooray!), and we learned some valuable information for the building of the actual devices, such as: 1) the opening through which the lemurs will grab the food must be larger (about 3 inches high instead of 1 inch) and 2) the smart feeders must be level in order for the servo to be able to spin the PVC pipe, which lead Darren Minier and David Jaffe to map out where in the exhibit each device should go.

Please take 2 minutes to watch our video. We hope you'll be as intrigued and excited about the lemurs' interaction with the smart feeder as we are, and that you'll share this video with your friends, and maybe decide to donate to our project so that we can build the eight smart feeders we need to enrich the lives of the lemurs and study how their behavior changes. Thanks!


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  • Oscar Jasklowski
    Oscar JasklowskiBacker
    This is awesome :)
    Sep 11, 2015
  • Louise Booth
    Louise BoothBacker
    This is so cool! Aren't the lemurs going to learn to listen for the sound of the pipe spinning? Will the dominant lemurs hog all the food? Do you have some observers lined up to watch what happens?
    Sep 01, 2015
  • Penelope J. Wilson
    Penelope J. WilsonResearcher
    Hi Louise! GREAT questions! We are expecting the lemurs to learn the sound, but hopefully any issues of anticipatory behavior will be addressed by us altering the predictability of reward in the different phases of the project. You can see more about that in the lab note entitled "Enrichment protocol: certainty of reward". To avoid the dominant lemurs hogging the food we will have 8 feeders for 6 lemurs. The dominant lemurs will have a hard time being at all the feeders at once. And yes! I will be observing and we have 2 Sonoma State undergrads too. We have been collecting baseline data for 3 months and when we have the funding to build the smart feeders, we will continue observing through the different phases of certainty of reward. Thanks for asking! -Penelope
    Sep 01, 2015
  • Karoly Zsolnai-Feher
    Karoly Zsolnai-FeherBacker
    Delighted to see the progress on the project. Thanks for the video and the write-up! :)
    Aug 31, 2015

About This Project

Low activity levels in captive animals are common because they don't have to search for food, unlike their wild counterparts. This may result in lower visitor interest in the animals and contribute to reduced interest in conservation efforts. We will address this issue by building and installing 'smart feeders' in the lemur enclosure at Oakland Zoo and studying how changes in food availability affect lemur activity levels and in turn how changes in activity affects zoo visitor interest.

Blast off!

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