It's the little things
Over the course of the last few weeks, I’ve been chipping away at that rock that is data analysis and creating the needed illustrations. Right now, there are about a handful of paths I could be taking and so I’m enjoying working on one thing one day and on another the day after, while keeping that big picture in mind. Thanks to the Shut Up and Write Writing Group continuous progress has been made and I’m thoroughly enjoying, sitting at the computer and fiddling with the bits and pieces. And last night saw a successful result:
After months of messing around with Blender, I’ve been finally able to reproduce a 3D animation yesterday! The idea is to illustrate the areas on the plucking hand that engage for every technique. The annoying thing was, that I had been able to produce a similar animation about two years ago to illustrate my idea. However, I was not able to reproduce it due to my lack of understanding Blender. And while I’m still far away from mastering that program, I feel, I’ve understood enough to manipulate the animation as I see fit for each motion study video. So now, I feel I can produce the videos that will go onto the Ukulele technique archive website. There are a few really cool visual ideas for it, that I’m working on with a programmer friend. So stay tuned for that!