Samantha Ladewig

Samantha Ladewig

Oct 11, 2016

Group 6 Copy 100

Lab and Field Methods

Hi group!

Hope you all have had a beautiful start to the fall season. We just finished collecting some samples! Now, there is a lot of lab and microscope work to be done. Luckily, I just brought on two CCU undergraduates to help with the project's work load and in return they will receive course credit! Below is a short video introducing the field and lab methods of this project. Check it out! Also, some pictures below for your interest and enjoyment. More to come later on the computer modeling work. 

Best wishes,


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About This Project

There is increasing evidence that microscopic plastics persist in the environment, accumulate hazardous chemicals, and adversely affect marine organisms that ingest them. This project will examine microscopic plastic transportation, fate and dynamics in Winyah Bay, South Carolina to provide valuable information to protected areas on potential ecosystem damage.

Blast off!

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