Samantha Ladewig

Samantha Ladewig

May 02, 2016

Group 6 Copy 44

Greetings All Backers!

Greetings All!

Thank you so much for your support towards this project! I am thrilled to get started and I am so excited that you all have been a part of this journey so far. Currently we are putting together our computer model’s “domain” and filling it will all the “good stuff.” A domain is where all the computer modeling action takes place within set boundaries. The good stuff consists of the area’s bathymetry, tidal movement, river discharge velocities, MICROPLASTICS, salinities, fun hydrodynamic equations, etc. 

While building our virtual Winyah Bay, SC area we will also complete a few preliminary lab studies. These studies will tell us if our lab and field equipment are working like we expect them to and how long different tasks will take.

Keep your eye out for more lab notes as we are about to dive in and get really busy this summer time. Videos, methods, thoughts, and discussions will be available in your near future. Thanks again for your contribution and I can’t wait to show you all the wonders of the project that you helped bring to life!


Samantha Ladewig


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About This Project

There is increasing evidence that microscopic plastics persist in the environment, accumulate hazardous chemicals, and adversely affect marine organisms that ingest them. This project will examine microscopic plastic transportation, fate and dynamics in Winyah Bay, South Carolina to provide valuable information to protected areas on potential ecosystem damage.

Blast off!

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