Samantha Ladewig

Samantha Ladewig

May 31, 2016

Group 6 Copy 70

A Peek into Georgetown, SC

Hello Backers,

Our first sampling period is coming up at the beginning of July! I am beyond excited and cannot wait to get on the water and scoop up some microplastics. Currently we are waiting on one more item to arrive (the net) then all supplies will be ready for pretesting. Before I go on I'd like to share a video with you all that shows a little sneak peek into Georgetown, SC. Georgetown is located on the north side of Winyah Bay (the sampling site). Many special thanks to Lauren Joseph's contribution not only as a backer of this project but also as a star in this video! 


All the best,



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About This Project

There is increasing evidence that microscopic plastics persist in the environment, accumulate hazardous chemicals, and adversely affect marine organisms that ingest them. This project will examine microscopic plastic transportation, fate and dynamics in Winyah Bay, South Carolina to provide valuable information to protected areas on potential ecosystem damage.

Blast off!

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