Shreya Roy

Shreya Roy

Nov 16, 2018

Group 6 Copy 193

1 Month Harvest Complete!

Hey everybody, we just completed our one month harvest! Though we haven't finished analyzing all of the data yet, the protein results are looking interesting. We are halfway through with this phase of the project so keep an eye out for more updates!

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About This Project

There are two routine ways to preserve tissues: formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded preservation (FFPE) and cryopreservation. FFPE allows for long-term storage at room temperature, but damages DNA and RNA. Cryopreservation preserves nucleic acids, but is costly over many years. We took inspiration from tardigrades, which survive long periods of desiccation and developed a new preservation method. We hypothesize that method will allow for the long-term storage of tissue at room temperature.

Blast off!

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