Instagram Tips with @ UntamedScience
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Today we are featuring Rob Nelson, @untamedscience on Instagram, the lead producer and executive director of Untamed Science. Rob coordinates the Untamed Science Youtube Channel, the How-to Filmmaking channel, and the filmmaking portal. He's a biologist by training, and has a VERY interesting story about how he got into science film-making after losing everything (his computer, research data, everything) in a boat accident during his Ph.D. studies. He went on to become an amazing science filmmaker.
Q: What motivated you to start a (science) Instagram account?
Rob: This answer is complicated. The honest truth is that besides wanting to get a message out, I feel like it's part of my job. As a scientist, Instagram numbers (as well as other social media outlet numbers) give you a voice. They give you value to producers, and networks too. If I didn't have an account, I wouldn't feel like I was doing my job properly.
Q: What do you do, both in your career and for fun?
Rob: My job is to tell the story of science on TV. For fun I make Youtube videos. I also whitewater kayak, and help @haleybot raise two amazing kids.
Q: What kind of things do you post to Instagram?
Rob: I post biology-related beauty shots related to my travels in red/blue/green. I post science stories almost every day that are themed to help show what I explored that day. I try to make it interesting for someone who likes science and photography.
Q: What is Instagram-worthy to you?
Rob: I want the photos I take to be beautiful. I usually wait to post pictures that I think are at least at high enough quality that I would like them. I also want my Instagram stories to tell a cohesive story. I don't really like posts that are random, so I want to at least make the story posts related to each other.

Q: What do you enjoy most about using Instagram for science communication?
Rob: I'm a visual learner. I feel like one of my best skills in life is to use a camera to tell stories. IG is a platform that I feel is at least somewhat built for my storytelling style. I prefer Youtube, where the videos I create last (and don't vanish 24 hours later), but it's not bad.
Q: What would be your top piece of advice for other scientists looking to grow their Instagram presence?
Rob: Start reaching out to others on the platform that you like. Comment on their photos and follow the people who follow them.
Q: What are the benefits of Instagramming science in your perspective? What are the drawbacks?
Rob: If you do it well, it serves as a great portfolio and resume. Someone can quickly scan your feed and see what you're all about. It's easier than setting up your own website.
The drawback is that people will make a split second decision about you and what you're about by scanning your feed. But, hey, that's life in the 21st century.
Q: How do you use Instagram in conjunction with your other science communication efforts?
Rob: I mix IG into my daily activities to share what I'm doing in the video-science-communication world. I get paid to be on TV and to tell the stories of other scientists. I should try to reach the public in as many ways as I can. IG is a great platform for me.
Q: Can you tell a story about how science Instagramming has impacted you (in a positive way)?
Rob: I get a lot of compliments on my account. I'm not sure I've ever gotten a job from my IG feed. Maybe in the future though.
Q: What kind of content do you most enjoy posting on Instagram?
Rob: I most enjoy posting landscape photos with people in them that make you feel how small we are compared to the natural world!
Q: Any other tips on how to create engaging / successful Instagram posts?
Rob: Find a handful of people whose posts you enjoy. Mimic them. After a while you'll develop your own IG voice. I'm still trying to find mine. I have stories to tell, but it's a never ending process finding the best way to tell them.
Come back for more Instagram tips, and please share this project with your Instagram peeps! Some of our tips and tutorials will only be available to backers, so please pledge what you can now to, and be subscribed to our updates!