Paige Brown Jarreau

Paige Brown Jarreau

Louisiana State University

Science Communication Specialist


Published on May 10, 2019

Scientists Who Selfie Results Published!

Today, our Scientists Who Selfie experiment results were published in PLOS ONE! Need a refresher of what our project was all about? Want a summary of what we found? Read on! Many scientists today ...

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Published on Sep 26, 2017

Scientists Who Selfie in the Classroom!

Ryan Becker is incorporating Scientists Who Selfie in the classroom, to change students' perceptions of scientists. ā€œIā€™m fairly active on Twitter, following other scientists and teachers,ā€ Ryan sai...

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Published on Sep 15, 2017

How to make better videos for Instagram

Hi Instagram and science lovers! We are back with a guest blog post by Rob Nelson from Untamed Science on how to make better science videos for Instagram. Rob is an experienced filmmaker and scienc...

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Published on Sep 04, 2017

Instagram Tips with @ Pondlife_Pondlife

Thanks for following our project to explore public perceptions of scientists who Instagram! For our backers, we are curating science Instagram tips here and on our Instagram account @scientistselfi...

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Published on Aug 30, 2017

New Perk - Sketching for Scientists!

We can hardly believe that we've made it here. Our project to explore perceptions of scientists who Instagram is fully funded!To end on a high note, we are offering one last perk for 5 individuals ...

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Published on Aug 28, 2017

Instagram Tips with @ UntamedScience

Thanks for following our project to explore public perceptions of scientists who Instagram! We only have 2 days left before we jump into full research mode!For our backers, we are curating science ...

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Published on Aug 23, 2017

Instagram Tips with @ lisa_inascienceworld

Thanks for following our project to explore public perceptions of scientists who Instagram! For our backers, we are curating science Instagram tips here and on our Instagram account @scientistselfi...

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Published on Aug 22, 2017

Instagram Tips with @ thinklikeapostdoc

Thanks for following our project to explore public perceptions of scientists who Instagram! For our backers, we are curating science Instagram tips here and on our Instagram account @scientistselfi...

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An undergraduate crowdfunding a physics project for telescope time is just fascinating. I'm crowd-funding my own project right now - you should join us on Instagram at @scientistselfies (take a selfie for us!)