Full Funding!
Thanks to all of you for supporting us all the way to our goal! We have been consitently amazed and honored by your willingness to support this project. So first and foremost, let me say thanks to all of our supporters and that this could not have happened without you all.
Whats next? Well we leave for Sri Lanka in a few days, so this is great timing! Any funding we get from here on out is extra, but we have a plan for this extra money. Any money left over after the trip, and any more funding we recieve will go straight to the analysis stage of this project. Turning these rocks and soils into thin sections, buying operator time on high-powered microscopes, all costs money. The expense to analyze all these samples wont be fully covered with what we currently have, but it will give us a start. With is we can gather preliminary data and give us material to propose further analysis and follow up fieldwork to bigger funding sources like the NSF and NASA.
We will keep posting lab notes, but our field updates will mostly come from twitter, so come check us out @LSUplanetary!
See you in the field,
Don & Allison