Vincenzo Antignani

Vincenzo Antignani

May 22, 2015

Group 6 Copy 93

A Tale of Microwaves and Greenhouses: an example of Translational Science for a class in Life Science from BJU

This year our department joined the BJU Press on a distant learning project for seventh-grade. Our task was to give an answer to the question: does microwaved water cause death or deformation in plants?

Ashley and Krista, two undergrads who also work as biology lab assistant, gave a significant contribution to the project... but read more on the following blogs:

Once upon the time... Part 1

Numbers that nail down the story... Part 2


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About This Project

The global demand for food is rapidly growing, and one way to address the issue is by increasing crop production by improving the natural fertility of soils.

The loss of microbial biodiversity is a problem for the productivity of soils in agriculture, but the good news is that we can do something: we can protect, and even improve, soil fertility!

How? Simply by preserving and increasing the soil biodiversity, but in order to do so we really need to understand how microbial communities work.

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Campaign Ended

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