Rachel Nere

Rachel Nere

Aug 16, 2021

Group 6 Copy 281

Thank you for your support everyone!!

We did it, my project has been fully funded!! I want to thank everyone who has supported, backed, commented, liked, and help me share this project! I also want to thank VanguardSTEM for allowing the handful of us who have participated in Hot Science Summer to allow these projects to prosper and come into fruition!

And last but not least, I want to thank my advisor and mentor for everything! I can't wait to continue revealing imposter RV Tau's!


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About This Project

Stars end their lives forming beautiful nebulae. On the way towards illuminating nebulae, many of them enter an unstable stage of life where the star’s surface pulsates, producing a rhythmic pattern of light that can be observed by astronomers. An example of this are RV Tauri Variable Stars. These stars are particularly important in understanding the end of a stars' life. My goal is to create a new list of RV Tauri Variable Stars from a list of potential candidates.

Blast off!

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A physics project funded by 9 people

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