Karen Robles

Karen Robles

Sep 05, 2023

Group 6 Copy 35

Hi Everyone!

I am still processing the data, it turns that I gather more data than expected!!!

There is interesting things that I can note so far, however, are preliminary observations yet.

-The device worked very good, but with the non continuous power some days, all the settings for the air flow have to be rechecked every time that power comes back and I had to discard one trial for that reason.

-The ants in the tropical rain forest survived for longer periods of time than the ants in the dry tropical forest (that goes again my first hypotheses that were that ants in drier areas will hold more than the ones in humid areas). -Among subcastes, the minors and the majors were more susceptible to die first by desiccation that the rest of the ants, however, I still have to analyse closely this part to have a strong result.

I look forward to finish to analyze the data and present the results around October. Will keep you updated about it!

Thank you for the support!!!


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About This Project

I am studying army ants of the genus Eciton in Costa Rica. These insects will give us better light on how to fight against climate change in tropical forests, especially in the tropical rain forest. Army ants are extremely sensitive to humidity variations, but, what will happen if this pattern changes? How the worker ants will respond? With low-budget equipment, I plan to measure how these ants will respond to lack or low levels of humidity.

Blast off!

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