Karen Robles

Karen Robles

Jun 17, 2023

Group 6 Copy 30

Grateful and already working!

Hi everyone! I am very grateful for the support I received here! I am already in Costa Rica working with the ants. La Selva OTS, the research station where I am is amazing! I hope you all can have the chance to come to visit this place. The people, the forest, it is just a paradaise.

Your help in this journey was very important and also was an inspiration for me, to learn more how to communicate my ideas about science with others.

As a person from the global south that is concerned about the effect of climate change in our planet and our tropical ecosystems, I am very excited to work on this with your help!

I will be updating about the data I will obtain, but so far, this beautiful soldier of Eciton hamatum says "hi and thanks"!

Eciton hamatum, La selva OTS, Costa Rica.


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About This Project

I am studying army ants of the genus Eciton in Costa Rica. These insects will give us better light on how to fight against climate change in tropical forests, especially in the tropical rain forest. Army ants are extremely sensitive to humidity variations, but, what will happen if this pattern changes? How the worker ants will respond? With low-budget equipment, I plan to measure how these ants will respond to lack or low levels of humidity.

Blast off!

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An ecology project funded by 6 people

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