Meet the monsters
What are we collecting? For this project, we are collecting a small blood sample from six Gila monsters. Some of the blood will be used for DNA analysis and some for RNA analysis. After we collect the blood, we will extract DNA or RNA, which will then be sequenced to enable us to start our analysis of their genome and its expression! While we are collecting and analyzing information from inside their cells, you might be interested in the whole critters.
No harm. No Gila monsters will be taken from the wild or sacrificed for this project.
Rescued monsters. Each of the monsters is one that was rescued by Arizona Game and Fish, and who is now being cared for by Dr. Dale DeNardo and his lab. Unfortunately, there is no appropriate place to release these individuals back into the wild. In busy residential areas, the threats to Gila monsters from humans are significant. While there have been some high-profile cases of residents killing Gila monsters, more commonly Gila monsters are at risk from less malicious aspects of human lifestyles – cars, pools, pets, etc. Additionally, Gila monsters typically do not adjust well when translocated to an unfamiliar location. Therefore, the best option for those that are rescued by AZ Game and Fish is to find alternative care for them where they can either advance our knowledge of the species or help spread the word on how amazing they are.
Here is one of the lovely individuals who will be assisting in this effort to advance our knowledge by donating some of his blood:
